Closing process 해당 포스트에 바로 링크가 안된다. - -;; 위 접속주소에서
Re: Month-end closing and Year-end closing란 제목으로 검색을 하면 나온다. 참고..Month End Closing Process
1) First MMPV MM people has to close the period and has to check in OMSY TCODE whether next period is open or not.
2) Dep Run has to be performed for the assets thru AFAB TCODE.
3) Foreign Curency valuation has to be performed for all the three openitems(ie..,GL,Vendor,Customer).
5) Any Recurring entries are there that entries also to be posted .
6) Month end utilisation has to be performed for utilsing the cenvat credit thru J2IUN Tcode
7) TDS has to be paid for that month thru J1INMIS.
8) IN OB52-Open Close Posting Periods new period has to be opened and old period has to be closed.
Year End
All the above process in addition to that balance transffers are also there.
1) AJAB- Closing of the old fiscal year for assets
2) AJRW- Asset Fiscal Year Change
3) F.07- Carryforwad Recievables and Payables
4) F.16- Carryforward GL Balances