
  • SCATT 사용관련
    SAP others 2014. 2. 12. 20:24

    SCATT 사용관련

    The steps involved for uploading of master data & cutover open items by using CATT tool, which will be useful for the functional consultants with out the help of writing BDC program by the ABAP consultant. View Document

    네이버 블로그 설명 자료

    잘 설명되어 있는 파일 링크.. 아래 링크에서 PPT를 다운로드 받아 사용하면 됩니다. http://www.saptechnology.com/download/Index.asp?BBS=DOWNLOAD&CurrentPage=2&searchId=&searchText=&Mode=VIEW&Idx=44&Tp=45 혹시나 링크가 깨질까봐 파일은 다운로드 받아놓음. -  대량사용자 만들기 - CATT.ppt 같은 기능인 SECATT 설명내용 첨부(출처 인터넷 검색) -  SECATT.doc

    Wiki에 있는 CATT 관련 포스팅
    CATT - Computer Aided Test Tool Testing a software system is an important but time and cost-intensive task - This is an SAP System component, which helps you to considerably reduce testing time. This does not mean reducing the number of tests performed. The tracing and analysis of tests is simplified at the same time: Your testing productivity increases. The tool with this functionality is in the Test Workbench with the Basis component Computer Aided Test Tool (CATT). You now only have to develop and record a test for an SAP System transaction once and you can perform it whenever you need to.

    크롬 editoy writer를 설치했는데 티스토리 블로그 API 키를 못찾아 블로그 등록을 못해 editoy writer에서 html로 변환해서 붙여넣기 함 - -;;

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