기준방법 설명The base method contains general control parameters the system needs for calculating depreciation.Base Method - Asset Accounting (FI-AA) - SAP Library [help.sap.com]
세부내용 설명Depreciation Calculation Methods The depreciation calculation method is the most important characteristic of the base method. The depreciation calculation method makes it possible to carry out the numerous different types of depreciation calculation in the system.
Check whether the check box for Reduce Useful life at the end of Fiscal year in
" Define Base Methods"If this check box is ticked, system automatically reduce the useful life so that the close of depreciation always falls at the end of the fiscal year.Assets depreciating untill end of the fiscal year | SCN [scn.sap.com]
BADi 관련Custom Depreciation Calculation Methods You can program your own depreciation calculation methods using the Business Add-In (BAdI) FAA_EE_CUSTOMER and its method SET_PERCENT_AMOUNT. For more information, see the documentation of the BAdI in Customizing for Asset Accounting under Depreciation Valuation Methods Enhancements Program Enhancement for New Depreciation Calculation Create Implementations for Add-In for Depreciation Calculation .'SAP FI' 카테고리의 다른 글
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