Coding block 유효성점검관련SAP FI 2023. 6. 24. 22:39반응형
회계전표작성시 코딩블록으로 들어오는 필드 유효성 점검 관련
연결거래유형과 WBS코드등 입력 정합성 점검 목적
GGB4 > 재무회계 전표헤더, 라인, 완료에 COBL 관련 필드가 안들어오는 상황
(S/4 HANA PCE버전 S4CORE 107 0000)
경험있는 컨들께 문의하니 바로 답변이..
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BADI FIN_ACDOC_ITEM_VALIDATION - Journal Entry Item Validation can be used for balance sheet accounts.2891508 - Coding Block Validation does not work for all accounts
Symptom Coding Block Validation FIN_CODING_BLOCK_VALIDATION does not work for all accounts "Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental." Environment Reproducing
그리고 BTE 1011에서 유효성 점검 걸린다고 함.
https://answers.sap.com/questions/6094266/use-of-bte-for-make-validations.htmlUse of BTE for make validations | SAP Community
Hi I was reading a lot of information of BTEs. Now i know what BTE is, how to find them, how to implement them, etc. But in all information and examples i saw i just found explanations about detect the event for share o substitute data , and not for data v
Dev서버에서 개발팀과 테스트해보기..
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