FI Study Bank master data

hksap 2007. 8. 6. 17:46

Bank마스터관련 정리한것이다
현업때는 AP쪽이어서 Bank쪽은 자금담당 PI가 다 처리했는데
컨으로 오니까 이쪽도 다 잡아 줘야 한다
F110 트랜잭션의 달인이었는데..
한달평균 1300억정도의 해외매입건을 F110으로 지급proposal을 완벽히 해냈다.
Proposal이 되면 자금쪽으로 해당 리스트와 invoice를 넘기고
자금에서 지급처리가 끝나면 다시 회계로 관련증빙을 보내온다.
국내업체간 상계는 문제없지만
해외업체간 임의상계는 불법이다. 반드시 한국은행 신고를 해야한다.

<Bank Master Data>

-What information does a dunning run change
the date of the "last dunning run" in the customer master record
the dunning level in the customer master record
the dunning level in documents for which dunning notice are created

-automatic payment
direct debiting or bank collection can be used to clear customer invoices
open items posted to AR/AP accounts can be cleared
special G/L transaction (down payment) can be posted
the payment programme can pay vendor invoices using transfer and checks

-create bank master records
entering them manually under accounts receivable or payable menu path
entering them in the payment transaction screen for vendor master record
importing into the system a disk or tape

-Bank Key
the bank number is entered in the "bank key" field
the bank number is automatically entered in the "bank key" field when the bank directory is imported from disks

-House bank and account ID
allocating the house bank ID and account ID to the bank number is a 1:1 relation
individual bank accounts can be uniquely identified by house bank and account ID
several bank accounts from one house bank can be maintained (posted to) in the  SAP system

-Bank account
bank accounts and bank postings are part of the general ledger
bank accounts are part of currents assets and therefore assigned to a financial statement item in the balance sheet