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SD출하 및 빌링

hksap 2013. 6. 20. 11:32

SD출하 및 빌링

관련 sap forum 문서 :

Now suppose the billing has not executed let's say due to any reason (Goods yet not delivered/confirmed by customer)- Final Invoicing was not exectueed.


In view of the above on my year end closing one side cost of goods sold is already booked and whereas revenue is not booked.

VF04 - Maintain Billing Due List 에서 출하 되었지만 빌링안된거 점검. 
VFX3 - Blocked Billing Docs 에서 SD 빌링전표 나왔지만 FI 전표 나오지 않은거 점검.

CO-PA 에서는 Billing 이 되어야만 매출원가 반영된다.
