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IFRS16 리스회계 Config관련 문서

hksap 2021. 9. 2. 23:13


IFRS16 리스회계 Config관련 참고문서


FI CON인데 재무팀과 이야기 하려면 연결결산, 리스회계, 실적원가(ML정산) 정도는 마스터 해야하는데 대략 난감 - -;; 스터디 및 S/4 HANA 테스트 필요...


230218 추가

리스회계관련 SNOTES

관리 가능한 계약object 목록이라는데.. (노츠내용중)

Possible contract objects are:
  • Building
  • Land
  • Equipment
  • Cost center
  • WBS element
  • Internal order
  • PM order
  • Functional location
  • Business entity
  • Rental object
  • Architectural object
  • Contracts
  • New, freely-definable object “contract object” incl contract object type (see SAP Note 2326200 and 2428630)
These objects can be assigned to the contract time-dependently, so contract valuation can be broken down into different valuations for each contract object.

포럼 참고 문서


Lease-out process in IFRS16 | SAP Community

Hi Team, I would like to know SAP standard process for lease-out in IFRS16, if any. please let me know Thanks and Regards, Ram