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Podcast: SAP jobs present and future, with David Foote

hksap 2007. 2. 14. 12:23

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  • (0:40) Can you explain your research and how people can make use of it?

  • (2:35) Which modules are paying particularly well or poorly?

  • (4:20) What should SAP professionals be doing to improve their prospects?

  • (7:04) Can you talk about some particular IT trends that are affecting specialist jobs?

  • (8:55) How can SAP professionals take advantage of these trends, and what are some roles that will be in demand?

  • (10:56) How will SAP's SOA focus affect SAP professionals?

  • (13:29) How does the trend toward business and process modeling create opportunities for roles such as ABAP developers?

  • (14:40) How does SAP's midmarket push affect SAP professionals?

  • (17:21) Is outsourcing an issue that SAP professionals should be worried about?

  • (18:34) Any final thoughts to wrap up?