S/4 자산마이그관련 참고자료
S/4 HANA 자산 Legacy Data Migaration 관련 BAPI 및 LSMW
Legacy System Migration Workbench – LSMW
Fixed Asset Data migration can also be performed using LSMW. This traditional tool has 4 import method, but I tend to use more of BAPI and IDOC mainly because of its speed (parallel processing), error handling and standard. For Fixed Asset Data migration, below BAPI can be used: –
BAPI for creating and optionally transferring values to new legacy assets to be createdS/4HANA migration cockpit Object Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) is using this BAPI
BAPI for transferring values to existing legacy assets, using this BAPI asset transactions/values can be updated
SAP S/4HANA Fixed Asset Legacy Data Migration | SAP Blogs
27 24 19,446 Introduction As an introduction, I would like to highlight this blog is for fixed asset legacy data migration in S/4HANA (and not for conversion). There are many contents available online for SAP Fixed Asset Legacy Data migration, and this c
이번 프로젝트 자산마이그 수백만건인데... 예전처럼 as91로 입력하고 조정계정 풀고 GL로 한큐에 넣는 방법이 더 좋은데.. ABLDT 에서 자산 건별로 Transaction 금액 넣어줘야 하니.. 일이 수백배로 늘었음 - -;; 원장별, GAAP별로 관리하기 위해서 인거 같은데..
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P사 컨에게 들어보니 S사는 자산이 1억건 이상이라고 한다 - -;; S4에서 상각비나 제대로 돌아갈지 궁금
자산마스터 커스텀 필드관련 참고자료 하나..
BAPI_ASSET_TRANSFER_POST custom fields | SAP Community
Hi, experts! How to I can transfer customer z-fields for asset in BAPI_ASSET_TRANSFER_POST. It is not have tables like EXTENSIONIN. Can I use implicit extensions for this BAPI?