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PS 진행매출관련
2023. 1. 15. 23:25
PS 모듈 진행매출관련 참고자료..
SAP S/4HANA Revenue Recognition with Result Analysis – Cost based PoC | SAP Blogs
3 2 168 Introduction: In this blog you will see how SAP calculates the Project WBS Result Analysis and settlement postings as per the Multiple valuations like Legal Valuation, Group valuation and Profit center valuation and it also provides required config
투입 원가기준 인식한 매출액과 실제 발행하는 매출 세금계산서 차이를 다 cbo로 관리하는건가... PS표준 모듈에서 개발없이도 관리되는지 궁금..
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