
  • 한국IBM SAP Consultant 모집 (~9/18)
    Etc 2007. 9. 13. 20:52

    IBM KOREA에서 SAP 컨설턴트를 모집하네요.
    모듈은 FI,CO,MM,SD입니다.

    IBM Korea, Global Business Services is the world's largest consulting organization within business management and information technology. We focus on 'On-Demand Delivering' full solutions for more efficient business management to large international clients, using the latest and greatest within business development and technology.

    나중에 꼭한번 조인해서 일해보고 싶은 회사입니다.
    아직은 삽질초보 수준이라서 회계현업 5년, FI컨 2년차 경력밖에 안되지만 열심히 뛰고있습니다.

    - Development and application management within SAP FI/CO/SD/MM/PP Roles & Authorizations, and Archiving.
    - Strong business process and system analysis.
    - Recognize problems and implement solutions regarding FI/CO/SD/MM/PP.
    - Planning activities, providing work estimates, developing functional design specifications, configuration, testing, training, and developing documentation.

    - +3 years of SAP each module experience in terms of functionality design, configuration, testing, support, and project management.
    - Client facing consultancy experience in SAP FI/CO/SD/MM/PP.
    - Configuration and application knowledge of each SAP module.
    - Excellent communication and client relation skills

    국문, 영문이력서를 프로젝트 중심으로 기술하여 ssyoon@kr.ibm.com 담당자에게 발송하라고 되어 있네요. MS-WORD로만 작성. DAUM 취업정보를 아래 링크합니다.
    자격되시는 SAP FI고수님들 한수 가르쳐 주세요.

    한국IBM SAP컨 모집(~2007/09/18)

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회계와 IT의 교차점.. as-is SAP FI Con, to-be indirect heavy investor.