Purchase account 관련SAP others 2014. 7. 7. 19:23반응형
Purchase account 관련Simplifed example that does not take delivery costs into account Goods receipt for purchase order: Purchase order price: 10 USD Purchase order quantity: 10PCs à 10 USD = 100 USD Standard price: 8 USD·Posting method at stock account amount: Stock account: 80 + GR/IR clearing account: 100 - Purchase account: 80 + Purchase offsetting account: 80 - Price difference account: 20 +·Posting method at clearing account amount: Stock account: 80 + GR/IR clearing account: 100 - Purchase account: 100 + Purchase offsetting account: 100 - Price difference account: 20 +2. Then maintain the automatic account determination function for the following transactions: EIN Purchase account EKG Purchase offsetting account FRE Freight purchase accountPURCHASE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT | SCN [scn.sap.com]
Price control이 S일때 purchase accoint를 사용하면
입고시 표준가 기준으로 Purchase account가 기표됨 - -;
IV시 가격차이 포함한 최종 송장금액이 Purchase account로 update되면 되는데..
아직 못찾음. 140528
-->해결 140601
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Price control V 일때 구매입고 가격차이전표 (0) 2014.07.07 이동유형 OBYC 관련 (0) 2014.07.07 Report painter export & import 관련 (0) 2014.07.07