S/4 HANA 1610 CO-PC ML에서 변경사항SAP others 2017. 8. 23. 17:21반응형
S/4 HANA 1610 CO-PC ML에서 변경사항
Technical Changes in Material Ledger with Actual Costing 관련
-실제원가 계산 시 4가지 단계 (단일레벨 가격결정, 다중레벨 가격결정,소비재평가,WIP재평가) 가 1단계 정산 단계로 통합
-기간 중 표준원가 재계산 지원
출처 : Simplification List for SAP S/4HANA 1610 Initial Shipment Stack Technical Changes in Material Ledger with Actual Costing
Business Process related information
- Reduce complexity and improve runtime in the Material Ledger Costing Cockpit for Actual Costing
- Example: 4 separate process steps ('Single-Level Price Determination', 'Multilevel Price Determination', 'Revaluation of Consumption', 'WIP Revaluation' ) are merged to one processstep ('Settlement')
- New 2-dimensional distribution logic to avoids rounding errors
- Less "not-distributed" values
- No lock conflicts caused by material movements (in current period)
- Change of standard price for materials and activities within the period is supported
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