자산 대량 대체(ABUMN) BAPI관련SAP FI 2023. 2. 18. 23:39반응형
대량 자산 이전을 위한 Bapi(ABUMN) 참고문서
https://answers.sap.com/questions/12911587/bapi-for-mass-asset-transfer-abumn.htmlBapi for mass asset transfer (ABUMN) | SAP Community
Dear All, I want to do the mass asset transfer using BAPI for the transaction code (ABUMN), can you please refer me any blog or snote to get the required information . Note: I went to through our community group discussion about it and few of them proposed
I have to transfer assets to a new class but has been unable to do so in mass, saw this help https://archive.sap.com/discussions/thread/1248203 but when I try to generate the record in ABUMN it does not generate any recording.LSMW ABUMN does not work and ABUM (no N) does not create a recording | SAP Community
I have to transfer assets to a new class but has been unable to do so in mass, saw this help https://archive.sap.com/discussions/thread/1248203 but when I try to generate the record in ABUMN it does not generate any recording. We are on Hana 1610, if I go
How to activate the deactivated assets | SAP Community
Hi, I try to activate the deactivated assets manually but it is not allowing Your help in this regards will be highly appreciated
여기 사이트에서는 자산관련 Legacy System에서 CCTR등 대체대상 자산정보를 받아서 BDC로 ABUMN을 돌려서 대량자산 대체처리하고 있음 😅 ECC에서 사용하던 자산대체 프로그램을 S4로 이관시켰는데 개발자분 이야기로는 수정사항 많다고 - -;;
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